Kilinclar Automaterialen started as one branch settled in Pretorialaan, Southern Rotterdam.

Since that moment, Kilinclar has managed to widen its wing and has managed to spread its branches and warehouses.

Kilinclar Automaterialen is a company that focuses on private and business customers in the region of Rotterdam. Because of our distribution in Rotterdam and surrounding areas, our branches and warehouses can deliver many of our car materials and accessories from our stock. Every day our delivery vans drive past our branches or warehouses to take products from one branch to another. In this way we could serve our customers on the same day. Of course we try doing this at the lowest possible price.

The customers of Kilinclar Automaterialen can go to one of our branches for further information and ordering car parts and accessories. Ordering can be done personally by visiting one of our branches, but also by telephone and online from the website.

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